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1 – Jewell
1 – Jaclyn
1 – Fall Gold
Wholesale prices on this would be around $43+, retail potted around $55+
Raspberries are so expensive in the stores, hard to ship, and SO MUCH better eaten ripe and fresh off the branch. These can be divided and propagated for years if you take care of them. Start with one of each type and make a whole row of raspberries with tip layering! This package is best grown in a fantastic wide range of zones 4-8. Bare root plants or 2.5″-3.25″ containers 6″-12″ tall
Jewell – Rubus occidentalis
USDA 4a-8b
1973, NYFTA, Geneva, NY (‘Bristol x ‘Dundee’) x ‘Dundee’
Being somewhat resistant to most raspberry diseases makes this plant very desirable. It is a vigorous grower with high yields. It has glossy-black, high quality, early ripening, large berries.
Pollinator: Self-pollinating
Bare root plants or 2.5″-3.25″ containers 6″-12″ tall
Jaclyn – Rubus occidentalis
USDA 3-8
Fruits are the earliest ripening of all other commercial cultivars ripening in mid-summer in most areas. Deep red fruits have excellent firmness and are conical in shape with sweet flavors. Plants are highly resistant to common insect and fungal diseases. Jaclyn is a good choice for an early ripening primocane raspberry. Canes grow vigorously (reaching about 5′ tall) and resist many pests and diseases. Fruit is less prone to rot or sunscald than most. Cold-hardy. Fall-bearing (everbearing) primocane with a summer crop. Floricane berries ripen in July. Primocane berries ripen in September through frost.
Pollinator: Self-pollinating
Bare root plants or 2.5″-3.25″ containers 6″-12″ tall
Fall Gold – Rubus occidentalis
USDA 3-8
The fruits are bright yellow and honey sweet. This cultivar has been a favorite for gardeners and growers for years and well known for the sweet flavor and vigorous growth. Fruits are about 1.8 grams and are recommended for U-Pick, farm markets, and gardeners.
Pollinator: Self-pollinating
Bare root plants or 2.5″-3.25″ containers 6″-12″ tall
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