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12 – Hybrid Poplar 8″-10″ Unrooted Cuttings
I can’t extol the virtues of fodder trees for sustainable living enough. If you like the idea of never paying for livestock feed ever again, start planting fodder trees yesterday! This is a package that gets you started on the journey to self sufficiency with regards to livestock feed. These trees are easy to propagate and will enable you to start your fodder food forest. The sky is the limit for how many fodder trees you can propagate from these starts. All it takes is time and a little knowhow. This package best grown in zones 3-9. Unrooted Hardwood Cuttings
These cuttings are sold as Unrooted Cuttings 8″-10″ With a caliper diameter between 0.15″-0.75″ They will put on about 50-75% growth compared to bare root trees, but you get twice as many for the same price. You can expect slow to no growth for the first year, slow to moderate growth the second year, and explosive growth the third year. Old saying “First they sleep, then they creep, then they leap”. Please mulch well (4″ of mulch minimum), use slow release fertilizer and keep soil moist.
If you take care of them, they grow FAST! We planted 150 of these same tree species the spring of 2022 and despite a drought and using a sprinkler to water, they all ended up between 8′ and 12′ tall in their first year. So fertilize and water well if you want to have similar results! Being unrooted cuttings, these should grow to between 4′ and 9′ tall in their first year IF you fertilize, water, and mulch the trees well and consistently. If you don’t you may only see a few inches of growth their first year.
Hybrid Poplar – Populus x sp.
USDA 3-9
Grows like a weed and handles being coppiced and pollarded exceedingly well. Great results feeding rabbits, goats, and sheep a diet of Hybrid Poplar, almost equivalent to alfalfa in most respects. All around best fodder leaf for the broadest range of the USA. Also because of it’s rapid growth and high protein content, that means it has great nitrogen available to build healthy soil. Just chop it up and lay it on the soil to rot as mulch! Bare root tree Unrooted Hardwood Cuttings 8″-11″.
Hybrid Poplar cuttings are are identifiable by the brown bark and a black zip tie. The top is painted white.
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