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1 – Chicago Hardy
1 – Panache Tiger
1 – Violette De Bordeaux
I challenge you to find a better deal than this on figs. These are smaller than some places, but I’m having a hard time finding figs for sale for less than $30 apiece, with some places charging $75-$90 for a single plant! If nothing else, pot these up and grow them for a year to turn a profit locally.
For those of us in the south, there aren’t many great fruits we can grow. Figs should be on your list! These things get huge if taken care of well, and produce quite well. If you don’t have any figs, you really should change that. They’re tops on the list of small fruit according to my mentor and one of his favorite fruits. This package is best grown in a fantastic wide range of zones (5)/7-11. Pint potted or bare root 6″-12″ tall
Chicago Hardy – Ficus carica
USDA 5-10
The Chicago Hardy Fig tree is known for being especially cold hardy and producing small, brown to purple colored figs. The inside of the fruit is colored a lovely shade that looks like strawberry jam. My mouth is watering just looking at this picture because I know what these taste like! This plant is also known as the Bensonhurst Purple fig or the Hardy Chicago.
It is productive and easy to grow, exhibiting drought-tolerance once established. The Chicago Hardy may die back in colder climates and resume growth in the spring. It bears fruit early on the new growth. Figs that grow on the older wood will appear in early summer. This plant is heat tolerant and self-pollinating, meaning that it does not need to be planted near another variety of fig to produce fruit.
Panache Tiger – Ficus carica
USDA 7-11
One of the most beautiful figs out there that I’ve ever seen. New to me but I’m excited to get it in the ground and fruiting. Striking color difference, and if you’re growing for market, I can’t imagine these wouldn’t make a huge splash with how bold the pattern is. Reported to have a fantastic flavor, has been somewhat hard to find over the years. Medium size fruit, yellow with green striped skin and strawberry flesh, becoming violet black in cooler climates.
Violette De Bordeaux – Ficus carica
USDA 6-11
One of the most beautiful figs I have and the one I’ve been the most excited to get my hands on. I got my first from my horticultural mentor “Peavine”. This is my second favorite fig, and I’ve had a LOT of different figs.
Violette de Bordeaux fig tree is an excellent mission-type fig for cooler summer locations. The Violette de Bordeaux figs are small jet-black fruit with dark red flesh. Rich flavor, good fresh or dried . Violette de Bordeaux fig trees often produce a breba crop. Good for container culture or small spaces due to its naturally small size. Also referred to as Negronne Fig.
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