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1 – Northland
1 – Patriot
1 – Blue Gold
Wholesale prices on this would be around $50+, retail potted around $75+
These northern cultivars of blueberry should produce great for all you crazy people who live where it hurts to breathe in the winter. Don’t worry, you can put some blueberry jam on your toast before you leave the house in the winter! Perfect for beating the wintertime blues, grow summertime blues with this triple dose of blue sunshine droplets. This package is best grown in a fantastic wide 5 zone range from zones 3-7. Quart potted or bare root 6″-12″ tall
Link to a publication on blueberry production
Northland – Vaccinium corymbosum
USDA 3b-7a
Origin: Michigan State University
High-bush/Low-bush type cultivar. Height is about 3-4 feet at maturity, the bush is vigorous and moderately spreading. The bush has reached 5-6 feet when the horizontal branches are severely pruned. Ripening date is July 7 in the South Haven, Michigan area. Yields are consistent, averaging 15-20 pounds per bush. Fruit size is small, 136 berries per cup. Fruit is borne on long and loose clusters. Quality of berry is moderately firm with a medium picking scar, if berries are picked soon after ripening. The color is dark blue and has a wild berry flavor. Harvesting can be done by hand or mechanically. Marketing of the fruit is U-Pick, fresh, or process. This cultivar was hybridized to adapt to Northern Michigan. Northland has limber branches, which do not break under heavy snow loads, and adapts well to the sub-zero climate. Ornamental use is very good. Low stature and spreading growth habit make it an attractive landscape plant. Foliage is beautiful year round. Dark green foliage in summer and orange-red in fall with yellow branches in winter. Hardiness Zones 3b-7a.
Half Gallon potted or bare root 6″-12″
Patriot – Vaccinium corymbosum
USDA 3b-7a
Origin: University of Maine
High-bush type cultivar. Height of bush ranges form 4-6 feet. The bush is upright and spreads when fruit is ripe. Ripening date is July 5th in the South Haven, Michigan area and will continue to produce until mid-August. Yield is consistent, ranging from 10-20 pounds at maturity, depending on cultural area. Fruit size is large, averaging 49 berries per cup at early-mid harvest, and dropping down to 60 berries per cup at mid-late harvest. Quality of the berry is firm and has small, dry, recessed scars. The berry is formed on tight clusters and it tends to be flatter than the other cultivars. Harvests are done by hand or U-Pick. Mechanical harvest can only be achieved during the final harvest. Marketing of the fruit is for the fresh or U-Pick markets because of the size and quality of fruits. Ornamental use of Patriot is good. It was originally released for use as a home garden plant, but desired characteristics made it available for commercial planting. Patriot seems to have resistance to Phytophthora cinnamoni root disease. Hardiness Zones 3b-7a.
Half Gallon potted or bare root 6″-12″
Blue Gold – Vaccinium corymbosum
USDA 3a-7b
Origin: USDA/ARS – New Jersey, Agricultural Experimental Station (1989)
Highbrush cultivar. Height of bush will vary 4-5 feet. Growth will be compact and low growing, producing many branches. To encourage upright growth, prune heavily. Ripening date is July 25 in South Haven, Michigan. Yields are consistently high, 12 pounds average, in commercial plantings. Blue Gold is the easiest cultivar for hand harvesting. The fruits ripen uniformly and clusters are large. Mechanical harvesting is feasible. Quality of the fruit is excellent. Small dry picking scar, attractive color. Good flavor and firm fruit makes Blue Gold an outstanding new mid-late season cultivar. Harvesting is done by hand but mechanical harvesting seems very feasible with the plant. Marketing fruit is commercial packing, U-Pick or process. Blue Gold is tolerant to fluctuating temperatures and extremely cold climates. In areas where the winter temperatures were -35 degrees F, bud damage did not occur. This cultivar is an excellent replacement or addition for other cold tolerant blueberry cultivars.
Half Gallon potted or bare root 6″-12″
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